Climate change, changing culinary preferences, and changing global macroeconomics are disrupting our food systems like never before!
These changes have created a vast market for alternatives, especially the root vegetable cassava.
Cassava is particularly remarkable because it has incredible climate-resilient, health, and taste properties, making it an ideal alternative to grains like wheat and maize.
Despite cassava’s amazing benefits, the tuber spoils only 3 days after harvest, with over 50% of the global annual harvest lost on average, stifling its potential as a grain alternative, consequently creating a significant unmet market need.
Our Innovation
At CassVita, we have invented a simple process for increasing the shelf-life of cassava from 3 days to 18 months. With our technology, farmers lose 0% of their harvest and are able to increase their incomes.
In addition, we transform cassava in our fully-automated facilities into fufu, flour, starch, and animal feed, and sell to some of the world’s biggest multinationals including Nestle.
A Family From
The Roots
Farmers in network
Income Increase
Thoughts From Experts
Our CEO shares thoughts on innovation and impact at TEDxMIT.
We have been featured in Forbes, the New York Times, MIT News, Harvard News, to name a few.